We enter His gates with thanksgiving! (Ps.100:4) ‘Tis the season – but this is not just a seasonal message!
Become the worship leader at your church! Seriously!
Actually, wherever you find yourself – at home, in your car, in your room, or from the back row on Sunday morning – be the “worship leader!”
We’re not suggesting that you be the loudest, the most demonstrative, or the center of attention, but that you determine to be the pacesetter – the one whose deep heart-cry of worship and fervent thanksgiving sets the pace and the atmosphere of pursuing Father and capturing His heart. …The first genuine heart-cry that reaches His ears.
Again, it’s not about the platform or the front row (or anyone else even knowing you are present), it’s just between you and Father! Does the fervency of your thanksgiving fling wide the gates? Does the force of your pursuit truly throw wide the doors into His inner courts?
Wherever YOU set the pace, wherever you fling wide the gates, can become a sanctuary – and YOU are your worship leader!!
You have an audience with the King of kings! Worshiper, determine to be the worship pacesetter in your personal arena, today!
(And remember, Father doesn’t show up to hear the music or the preaching …He’s responding to your invitation!) Selah.