The Book of Revelation – MYSTERY SOLVED!

Does The Book of Revelation mystify you? Have some explanations left you as baffled as the book?


The Book of Revelation – MYSTERY SOLVED!

Does The Book of Revelation mystify you? Have some explanations left you as baffled as the book?

What if I told you that God never intended the Book of Revelation to become the vast and cryptic puzzle it has become to virtually every reader? While so many find it vague and confusing, this book offers a compelling argument that God never intended it to mystify anyone (or He would have named it The Book of Mystery).

The Book of Revelation is not a puzzle; it is a simple and vivid picture of the ultimate worship encounter and one of the Bible’s most remarkable eye-witness accounts. A complete departure from the historic approach you’ve always heard, this eye-opening book will forever adjust your view (and understanding) of the Book of Revelation. If you have any interest in worship or the Book of Revelation, Jim book solves our mystery – and it’s simpler than you might think.…if viewed through a worship lens.