Social Justice & Reparations
Social Justice & Reparations – What Would Jesus Do? A Biblical Perspective
Social Justice & Reparations – What Would Jesus Do? A Biblical Perspective
As social issues become much more prominent in our public debate as a nation, new fervently held ideas seem to be drowning out many important and long-standing details.
Our topic evokes a lot of raw, confused emotions in people today. Any hastily formed viewpoint or automatic response will unavoidably overlook crucial information and inquiries that are necessary for any meaningful conversation to lead to a fair resolution.
The debate can become so turbulent that important and basic facts are lost in the commotion. I have included many of those pertinent facts into this conversation as we tackle this extremely difficult topic and this painfully complex period in American history.
As we discuss two highly charged present-day topics, you will discover:
- how today’s activist organizations and a leading Christian movement actually share the same origin,
- the insurmountable complications to the reparations discussion,
- who the greatest adversaries of racial integration were, and
- God’s standard of justice and repayment.
This is not intended to be a discussion of the separation of church and state. While that theme was enacted to insulate the church from intrusion by a restrictive governmental state, its original intent in no way constrains the church from championing biblical value and statute with direct social application. …And there are many social issues for which there is direct guidance within the passages of the Holy Bible.
These pages and thoughts will hopefully amplify the biblical perspective and help shape your perspective of the issues that are becoming so elevated in our national political discussion.