Evolution’s Fatal Flaw

The Case for Creationism Reframed  (& for questioning accepted evolutionary theory)


Evolution’s Fatal Flaw   Creationism’s Greatest Proof & Evolution’s Achilles Heel

The Case for Creationism Reframed  (& for questioning accepted evolutionary theory)

   Evolution theory has a fatal flaw! God factored an impossibility into the whole equation, an impossible chasm or divide that the evolution theory can never bridge. Surrogate evolution is that impossibility.

   This is a fresh, insightful perspective of Evolution and its greatest barrier/challenge. In this book you will undoubtedly discover:

-Why the theory of evolution has an undeniable Achilles heel.
-Why Columbus could never have ‘discovered’ the new world if there were no God.
-The Surrogate Evolution Problem
-How the climate change message is a deceptive & sinister ‘Trojan horse.’
-God’s fingerprint on His created beings.
-Evolution is a theory based entirely on … miracles.

 Within this book, we will reshape the debate with a new perspective, providing concise responses to important and seldom asked questions, adding fresh ideas that, to our knowledge, have not been widely considered. The middle rungs of the ladder are missing in the evolution theory, so you can’t get there from here.

This book clearly demonstrates that even if you remove the Bible from the discussion and eliminate the historical Christ and the church, there remains plentiful and vivid evidence of God, our Designer and Creator!